
Performing the Faith: Bonhoeffer and the Practice of Nonviolence is unavailable, but you can change that!

September 11, Afghanistan, Iraq—more than ever, this is a time for the church to be taking up the question of what, as Christians, our response to violence should be. In Performing the Faith, Stanley Hauerwas revisits the familiar territory of political nonviolence through discussion of the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer—Christian ethicist, theologian, and by some definitions, martyr. This book...

Performing the Faith: Bonhoeffer and the Practice of Nonviolence is no more and hopefully no less than an ongoing commentary on Bonhoeffer’s extraordinary claim that if our common life rests on lies and injustice, then we cannot hope to be a community of peace. Accordingly this book is my attempt to display how the church by being the church serves the world. My oft-made claim that the first task of the church is not to make the world more just but to make the world the world has never been a call
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