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Introduction to Akkadian offers a twelve-lesson course in the essentials of Akkadian grammar. The lessons feature concise explanations of Akkadian grammar, as well as exercises in reading, transliteration and translation. These introduce the student to common vocabulary and basic cuneiform signs. In addition, Introduction includes appendices dealing with Akkadian phonetics and metrology, indices,...

In addition to the central dialects, several ‘peripheral dialects’ of the second millennium are attested; these are variant written forms of Akkadian, influenced by different local languages (Susa, Boghazköy, Alalaḫ, Nuzi, Ugarit, and various local types in the Amarna texts). d. The texts preserved in Akkadian are of many types: historical and chronographical texts and census reports; treaties and other political documents; business and administrative records; codes of law; witnessed and sealed
Pages 4–5