
Paul: An Outline of His Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul is Herman Ridderbos’ monumental work on the theology of the Apostle Paul. Setting the stage of inquiry, Ridderbos begins with a short examination of the four successive schools of thought concerning the study of Paul’s writings: the Tübingen school, the liberal school, the history of religions approach, and the eschatological interpretations. Ridderbos then provides keen insight into the...

of his flesh” (Col. 1:22), which expression likewise refers not only to the physical as material organism, but to the whole of Christ’s existence as a man subject to transitoriness, dishonor, frailty (cf. 1 Cor. 15:42ff.). And it was also in this flesh, i.e., his human existence delivered up to the death of the cross, that the enmity was abolished, the church reconciled, and sin condemned (Eph. 2:14, 15; Col. 1:2; Rom. 8:3). It is Christ’s being revealed in the flesh (to be understood in this way)
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