
Paul, His Letters, and Acts is unavailable, but you can change that!

Aside from Jesus, the Apostle Paul had the greatest formative influence on the early Christian movement. Yet who was this passionate missionary who carried the message of Christ throughout the Mediterranean world? The New Testament writings give us not one but two portraits of Paul. We read numerous details of Paul’s life and relationships in the Book of Acts, and we find an additional set of...

among those entrusted with delivering this letter, but even while delegating this duty to Paul, Acts appears to subordinate Paul to the Jerusalem leadership. Acts reports that the letter was handed down from the “apostles and elders” (15:23), a group that apparently did not include Paul. Remember that Paul had been sent to Jerusalem for the specific purpose of conferring with “the apostles and elders” (15:2), not with “the other apostles and elders.” As a side note, Paul’s relationship to this letter
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