
Paul: His Life and Teaching is unavailable, but you can change that!

The apostle Paul and his significance in the New Testament and Christianity is a perennial topic of interest, but few evangelical surveys of his life offer a truly holistic picture of the man and his world. To fill the void, John McRay offers Paul: His Life and Teaching. This scholarly yet accessible work explores the apostle’s pre-conversion days, missionary travels, and theological...

turned out, the first person who broke his command was his son. The king faced a dilemma. The law had to be respected, but his parental love cried out for extending mercy. So, he decided to satisfy his law that two eyes had to be taken by taking one of his own eyes and one of the eyes of his son. Thereby, justice was met while mercy was granted. The emergence of the movement called Pietism marked the decline of the Latin view within Protestantism. It moved the understanding
Pages 315–316