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Louis Berkhof calls Paul “a greater reformer with broader view and wider sympathies than Luther,” “a thinker more acute than Calvin,” and “an earnest lover of souls surpassing Whitefield.” A large portion of the New Testament contains his writings and is devoted to telling the story of his life and influence. In his series of addresses to a missions society in Flagstaff, Arizona in 1915—here...

God in a clear-cut way and to support it by various kinds of arguments. And fourthly it gave him a certain broad-mindedness, it made him more or less charitable to those who were not of faith and who even worshipped idols. It is true that his persecutions seemingly contradict this; but let us not forget that they were the result of youthful ardor, and that there was something in Paul that testified against his violent course. In the second place Paul saw that God had been setting him aside from the
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