
Paul the Missionary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Louis Berkhof calls Paul “a greater reformer with broader view and wider sympathies than Luther,” “a thinker more acute than Calvin,” and “an earnest lover of souls surpassing Whitefield.” A large portion of the New Testament contains his writings and is devoted to telling the story of his life and influence. In his series of addresses to a missions society in Flagstaff, Arizona in 1915—here...

his missionary labors must be looked for after his conversion, that momentous fact that changed the whole course of his life. After these preliminary remarks we shall consider some of the most important formative factors in the life of that missionary par excellence, and see what each one contributed to the final result. * * * It seems best that we take our starting-point in what the apostle says in Galatians 1:15–17, and to follow, at least in par the lines indicated there. We read in those verses:
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