
Daniel is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Daniel opens with a dark period in Israel’s history and ends with a panoramic view of future world events. The early chapters offer a glimpse into Israel’s captivity and the daily struggles of those who remained faithful to Jehovah. These stories from Daniel’s personal life contain valuable principles for the Christian today. As the introduction to biblical prophecy, the book’s later...

does not mention either by name. If he wrote as late as the liberals assert, we would expect him to mention the empires by name that developed out of the Grecian rule—Greece and Macedonia, Asia (including Syria and Babylon), and Egypt—and the growing power of Rome. Instead, he prophesies without mentioning these names. The empire under Greece replaced the one controlled by the Medes and Persians, then divided into several smaller empires. The empire under Rome overcame and replaced these empires.
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