
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Western culture has been shaped largely by the Bible. In attempting to understand the Scriptures, scholars of the last three hundred years have intensively studied both these sacred texts and other related ancient writings. A cursory examination reveals that their authors depended on other sources, some of which are lost and some of which have recently come to light. Part of these extant sources...

landownersk shall be humiliatedl on account of the deeds of their hands. Therefore, on the day of their miserym and weariness, they will not be able to save themselves. 9 I shall deliver them into the hands of my elect ones like grass in the fire and like lead in the water, so they shall burn before the face of the holy onesn and sink before theiro sight,p and no place will be found for them. 10 On the day of their weariness, there shall be an obstacleq on the earth and they shall fall on their
Volume 1, Page 36