
The Other Side of the Good News: Confronting the Contemporary Challenges to Jesus’ Teaching on Hell is unavailable, but you can change that!

In a time of Christian confusion and evangelical erosion, the teachings of Jesus regarding the destiny of the wicked needs to be emphasized. Is there a biblical doctrine of Hell or are Christians free to hold a variety of viewpoints on this issue? In this book Larry Dixon examines many of the current theories on Hell and encourages the reader to take the Bible’s teaching on Hell as seriously as...

We disagree with the commentator who said that “whatever elements of man’s ultimate destiny are present in this story are of secondary application.”42 The eternal fate of the righteous and the wicked are clearly spoken of by Jesus in this text, and several general principles may be discerned. Those principles find support in other passages of the Word of God, as we shall see. A Righteous Reckoning The first principle is that after death one receives perfect judgment based on an infallible evaluation
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