
OT325 Book Study: 1 & 2 Kings is unavailable, but you can change that!

Learn how various literary, historical, and theological issues shape 1 & 2 Kings with Dr. David Lamb. Uncover the key themes of spiritual truth, obedience, idolatry, God’s promises, and prayer.

However, during the period of the divided monarchy, as recorded in Kings, there is a shocking absence of prophetic activity in the south. Between the reigns of Rehoboam and Hezekiah—this is in Judah, now—no prophets are described as ministering in Judah. The only southern ruler who associates with prophets during this period of approximately 200 years is Jehoshaphat, and he only does so in conjunction with northern rulers. That’s it for prophetic figures. Next I’m going to talk about prophetic speech.