
OT321 Book Study: 1 & 2 Samuel is unavailable, but you can change that!

Explore the book of Samuel with Dr. David Lamb. Learn more about the book’s complex narrative and its role in the canon. Dig into the poetry within Samuel, as well as key themes, including wisdom, folly, obedience, the consequences of sin, and leadership.

The people of Israel said to Samuel”—I love this line—“ ‘Do not cease to cry out to the LORD our God for us, that he may save us.’ ” What a great line! The people were telling their leader to not stop praying. This is what we need to be doing to our leaders, and as leaders, we need to be doing this, to not stop praying for the people who we are leading. “So Samuel took a … lamb and offered it as a whole burnt offering.… And Samuel cried out”—just like they said, to [Yahweh], and [Yahweh answered