
OT308 Book Study: Leviticus is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this course, Book Study: Leviticus (OT308), Dr. Jay Sklar walks you through the challenging details of the book of Leviticus. In this section of Scripture that often feels detached and foreign to the Christian life, Dr. Sklar will act as a helpful guide as you tackle this book. Focusing on the offerings, the laws, and the more perplexing areas of Leviticus, this study helps you understand the...

We spoke of that lest segment: “How can we live with this holy God in our midst?” Leviticus helps with that. It also casts this vision, a vision rooted in God’s purposes for humanity to walk with Him, to enjoy His care and blessing, and to reflect His character and extend His kingdom in all the earth. If that sounds familiar, it should, [and] not just because of Gen 1 and 2. This is the very thing that Jesus teaches us to pray: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!” [In