
OT301 Origins of Genesis 1–3 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Origins of Genesis 1–3 studies the claims of the biblical text in these first chapters of Genesis. Focusing closely on the ancient Near Eastern context of the text, professor Walton helps students see how Genesis 1–3 would have been understood by its original audience and leads students to examine the function of the creation story and the issues between science and the Bible.

It’s not that we are imitating God, it’s that we are participating in God’s rest; that is, when we rest, we are acknowledging that we are not the ones who bring order and stability to our lives. It’s the role of God to bring order and stability. The six days in which we do our work are not the ways that order is truly brought about in our lives. When we observe the Sabbath, it says, “Take your hands off the wheel; you’re not really driving. You’re not in control.” God’s the one who ultimately brings