
OT204 The Social World of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

In an age of international travel and migration, we’re familiar with people who look, sound, eat, and believe differently than we do. In order to become friends, it’s helpful to understand where they come from and how they do things differently, or the same, as we do. In the same way it is necessary to understand someone who comes from a different place than we do, how much more necessary is it...

A major problem in the ancient world was spontaneous miscarriage, which might have reached as high as twenty percent of pregnancies, according to an Egyptologist, and there’s no reason to think that the figures for Israel or Mesopotamia are significantly different. Remedies or aids for this included the use of tampons, medicine, or amulets. The former could consist of ground animal bones prepared and inserted, while a medical inscription reads, “If a woman is about to lose her fetus in either the