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In Nahum’s prophecy, we see the Lord’s involvement in history as the ultimate judge and king. It deals with the difficult subject of God’s righteous wrath against sin, which is practically demonstrated in the book of Nahum as his vengeance revealed in Nineveh’s overthrow. Yet even in this, the grace and mercy of God in salvation shines through to bring hope to his people. Here is a guide to help...

It is not just in the life to come that God deals justly with people; he will also do so in this life. Described here is the simple idea of definite punishment. Only, it must be remembered that divine punishment is retribution and not retaliation. Sin will receive its just punishment, and the unrepentant sinner will not be able to escape the sentence that God delivers. God’s jealousy has not only the warmth of his love but also the fire of his wrath.1
Pages 25–26