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Think Jonah, think whale. Or should we? Actually no. The whale, or great fish, merely appears among the list of supporting cast, along with the worm which appears later in the account. Instead, the book is about the character of God. It shows us something of his burning holiness, something of his powerful and detailed ordering of events, and something of his tender mercy. In this easy-to-read...

fierce and narrow nationalism is the key to his stubborn disobedience. It is also the character trait that God addresses throughout the book. The book of Jonah is concerned entirely with Jonah’s mission to Nineveh, the great city of Assyria—the ‘away mission’. His mission at home, on the other hand, is recounted in a few verses (2 Kings 14:23–27). It fixes Jonah in history, ministering during the long and successful reign of Jeroboam II, king of Israel. The striking feature of his
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