
The One Who Is to Come is unavailable, but you can change that!

“Messiah” is one of the most contested terms in Christian reflection, with many people reading the concept back into early Old Testament texts. In The One Who Is to Come Joseph Fitzmyer offers up an alternative perspective, carefully tracing the emergence of messianism in Judaism to a much later date—the second century BC. The One Who Is to Come begins with a linguistic discussion of the term...

Eventually, especially when the monarchy was no more because of the deportation of kings of Judah to Babylon, משיח was applied to the High Priest of the time. He was the “anointed priest” in a special sense, the heir of the kings. There are also two instances where the title may be attributed to either prophets or patriarchs, but the interpretation is disputed.21 The breakdown of occurrences is as follows: (1) Kings (a) A king in a generic sense or an unnamed king of the Davidic dynasty: 1 Sam 2:10,
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