
Sermon on the Mount: Living for God’s Kingdom is unavailable, but you can change that!

Greed, power, selfish gain. We can easily get caught up in the values that guide our world. But on a mountainside in Galilee, Jesus spoke about the way of a different kingdom. He spoke about loving enemies, giving generously, and living without hypocrisy. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shows us what it means to truly live.

Matthew 5:1–12. The Sermon on the Mount opens with nine pronouncements of blessing known as the Beatitudes. They can be understood as requirements for entering God’s kingdom or as descriptions of qualities that God approves. The Greek word for “blessed” (marakios, μακάριος) means “fortunate” or “happy.” (If you’re using Logos Bible Software, you can use the Bible Word Study tool to learn more about the original word’s use throughout the Bible.) Look at the characteristics Jesus describes as “blessed”
Matthew 5:1–7:29