
The New Perspective on Paul: An Introduction is unavailable, but you can change that!

Can someone please explain this “New Perspective on Paul”? Where did it come from and will it help or hinder Christian interpreters to grasp the apostle’s writings more clearly? In The New Perspective on Paul: An Introduction, Kent Yinger provides concise, readable, and authoritative answers to these and other questions currently exercising students of Paul.

God’s intention for humanity and creation was temporarily derailed through Adam’s sin (Gen 1–11). The resolution of this dilemma was the family of Abraham, Israel, through whom the divine blessing was to extend to all humanity (Gen 12). However, the Jewish people failed as well to fulfill their role as the instrument of God’s blessing to the world. Instead of being the light for the nations, they wandered from their covenant obligations, ultimately into exile. It would, thus, be left up to Israel’s
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