
A New Commentary on Holy Scripture: Including the Apocrypha is unavailable, but you can change that!

A New Commentary on Holy Scripture Including the Apocrypha was written by a variety of respected Anglican scholars and edited by Charles Gore, H. L. Goudge, and Alfred Guillaume. Created in the spirit of progressive criticism, this commentary posits conclusions that differ widely from the accepted views of the day. The scholars dedicated to this work believed that the Apocrypha was extremely...

By S. L. BROWN This book, which takes its English title from the LXX through the Vulgate, continues the story of the Israelites from the death of Joseph in Egypt, and ends with the erection of the tabernacle or dwelling in the wilderness of Sinai on the first day of the second year of the Exodus. The subject-matter of the first half of the book is familiar to all readers of the Old Testament. From their earliest childhood they have known and loved the story of Moses, his birth and infancy,