
A New Commentary on Holy Scripture: Including the Apocrypha is unavailable, but you can change that!

A New Commentary on Holy Scripture Including the Apocrypha was written by a variety of respected Anglican scholars and edited by Charles Gore, H. L. Goudge, and Alfred Guillaume. Created in the spirit of progressive criticism, this commentary posits conclusions that differ widely from the accepted views of the day. The scholars dedicated to this work believed that the Apocrypha was extremely...

By L. E. P. ERITH The Book of Judges covers a period of transition in the history of the Hebrews, and deals with the settlement of the various tribes in Palestine, their gradual combination into one people, and their conquest of the native Canaanites. Hitherto the Hebrews had been merely nomadic tribes, related but not united, living in separate districts with no common interests, as strangers among native races either in subjection or, with the possible exception of the tribes of Judah and