
Spiritual Direction and the Journey to God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Navigating the Interior Life provides a straight forward framework for effective spiritual direction and an understanding of how to experience growth both within and outside of a spiritual direction relationship. If you are looking to dig deeper, if you are stuck and don’t know why, if your relationship with God seems like something far less than you desire, this book will provide the necessary...

how to break out of patterns of sin and despair. Sometimes it is just a nagging lack of peace that says, “There has got to be more to this life.” Another indicator of readiness surfaces with those who do not come from a life of habitual sin but simply from quiet mediocrity. They may regularly participate in the sacraments, they may not suffer from habitual mortal or even patterns of venial sin, but still, they long for something more. They may just experience a vague draw to go deeper in prayer,
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