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St. Gregory of Nyssa wrote two works during the 380s attacking the Christological teaching of Apolinarius of Laodicea and his followers. These are the substantial treatise Refutation of the Views of Apolinarius (the Antirrheticus) and the short letter to the Bishop of Alexandria, To Theophilus, Against the Apollinarians. The Antirrheticus is a hostile commentary on Apolinarius’s work entitled The...

For the Word was and is the Word both before it took flesh and after its providential enfleshment, and God is God both before and after he took the form of a slave,45 and the true light is the true light both before it shone out in the darkness46 and afterwards. So if every pious conception of the Only-begotten that anyone can form is one of immutability and changelessness, and if he does in himself always possess those same characteristics, how can anyone make us apply the concept of a duality
Pages 265–266