
The New Testament Commentary Guide: A Brief Handbook for Students and Pastors is unavailable, but you can change that!

An indispensable map to the often intimidating world of biblical commentaries. For many beginning students of the New Testament, looking for a commentary seems like a simple process: identify the book you’re studying, search for a commentary, and pick one. However, the reality is far from simple. With new commentaries being published every year on every book of the Bible, the student of...

Ephesians is widely considered one of the most beautifully composed texts of the New Testament. And yet, because some scholars argue Paul did not write it, it is often left out of academic conversations about Paul, his ministry, and his theology. The authorship question is so crucial to how Ephesians is interpreted that I will note where the commentary writer lands on the matter. Let me say explicitly that I am not endorsing only commentaries that I agree with, and I am not recommending