
A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

A contemporary, foundational statement of classic reformed faith, now revised and updated • Comprehensive, coherent, contextual, and conversational • Scripture-saturated, with more exegesis and more Scripture quotations than other one-volume theologies • Upholds classic Calvinist positions on baptism, the Trinity, church government, and much more • Interacts with contemporary issues...

God is that God has the power to do whatever it takes power to do. He has the power to do even that which he does not will to do, and the only reason he does not exercise his power in this area is that he does not will to do so (this truth points up the fact that God has full authority over his power at all times; it is ever under the governance of his eternal plan and wise control). But whatever he wills to do he has the power to do. In other words, God can do, and does, all his holy will. But God