
NIV Bible Speaks Today: Notes is unavailable, but you can change that!

Be equipped to apply the Bible to your life and in today’s world. The BST Study Bible presents study notes drawn from the bestselling Bible Speaks Today commentary series as well as application questions for personal or group use. Clear and helpful explanations will help draw you into God’s word, making this resource indispensable for both devotional reading and as a study Bible. It’s also great...

2:1–21 The birth of Jesus Chapter 2 completes the beginning of Luke’s Gospel with three divine declarations concerning the Son of Mary, first by an angel of the Lord (9), secondly by the old man Simeon (25) and thirdly by the ‘boy Jesus’ himself (43). The event of Jesus’ birth (1–7) is the greatest that ever took place and the turning point of history, but only because God revealed its meaning. The angel, a messenger of God, brings the good news (10), which is spread by the shepherds (17),
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