
James is unavailable, but you can change that!

Straight to the point, practical, affirming, convicting—that’s the book of James. In it, we see a picture of early Christians wrestling to apply the teachings of Jesus to their everyday lives. And we see a community plagued by divisiveness and hypocrisy, with an emphasis on wealth and status. James pulls no punches addressing these issues, calling for a faith that shows itself in moral actions:...

stray bullet fired in a drive-by shooting; an airliner crashes, killing hundreds; a young woman dies in an automobile accident, the victim of a drunk driver. Senseless tragedy leaves us feeling numb, powerless, and uncertain. These are the sorts of situations that arise on the horizon of our text; thus, James turns his attention from those who endure and pass the test (v. 12) to those about to abandon the effort.12 It is common for humans to attribute difficulties or evil to Satan, or to God, or
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