
Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

When it comes to living the Christian life, beginnings are better than endings. That may be one of the most important lessons that the Gospel of Mark, by its very structure, teaches us. Looking at life in terms of endings often leads to discontent, neuroses, and despair. We always want to win more, make more, succeed more. More is an insatiable taskmaster. But the Gospel of Mark says the better...

in a world which expresses only unbelief.”1 His lament also expresses urgency. “How long?” does not convey a wish to be rid of inept disciples but refers to how little time he has left to soften their hardheartedness and to acquaint them more fully with the power that can expel evil. Time is short. Will they ever catch on? Faced with his disciples’ failure and the crowd’s unbelief, Jesus does not throw up his hands in disgust but immediately takes action to rectify the situation. In the second scene
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