
New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties is unavailable, but you can change that!

Did God approve of Rahab’s lie? Why are many of the Old Testament quotes in the New Testament not literal? Does the Bible class abortion with murder? Where did Adam and Eve’s sons get their wives? Does 1 Corinthians 7:10–16 authorize divorce for desertion? What do you make of the difficult areas in the Bible—those puzzling passages that make you stop and scratch your head? The seeming...

“emergent” evolutionists (for these two bear as close a resemblance to each other as American democracy and the “democracy” of Iron Curtain nations today), there seems to be very little ground for even a scientifically minded theist to hang on to evolutionism at all. But if he accepts the implications of the integrity of species according to Mendelian limits, it could perhaps be argued that he keeps faith with the successive stages of creation of plant and animal orders and genera and species “after
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