
The Book of Jeremiah is unavailable, but you can change that!

Of the Major Prophets, Jeremiah is perhaps the least straightforward. It is variously comprised of stories about the prophet Jeremiah, exchanges between Jeremiah and Yahweh, and messages directly from Yahweh—meaning a consciousness of form is essential to the understanding of its content. At times it is written in poetry, resembling Isaiah, while at other times it is written in prose, more...

As for the priests, the Levites, within decades of Yahweh’s making this promise about them, they were indeed making these offerings in the restored temple, and they did so for six centuries, but then a further and final destruction of Jerusalem terminated these offerings, and they have not been made for two millennia. It is again possible to say that the man from Nazareth functioned metaphorically as a priest, though his Judahite and Davidic lineage that enabled him to be metaphorically designated
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