
The Reformation Study Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

The first Geneva Bible opened the pages of Scripture for all readers and provided helpful notes to assist in the understanding of its central message. The Reformation Study Bible, under the editorial leadership of reformed scholars such as R.C. Sproul and J.I. Packer, offers a modern restatement of Reformation truth for the broad evangelical community. A wonderful resource for anyone who desires...

run to Jesus just as previously we ran away from Him. Fallen sinners do resist God’s grace, but His regenerating grace is effectual. It overcomes sin and accomplishes God’s purpose. P stands for perseverance of the saints. A better name might be “the perseverance of God with the saints,” but both ideas are actually involved. God perseveres with us, keeping us from falling away, as we would certainly do if He were not with us. But because He perseveres we also persevere. In fact, perseverance is