
A New Vision for Israel: The Teachings of Jesus in National Context is unavailable, but you can change that!

The most important development in recent historical Jesus studies is the attempt to understand the ministry of Jesus in “political” terms. In calling the nation of Israel to repentance, Jesus served as a national prophet concerned with the salvation of Israel. This new book by Scot McKnight furthers this line of inquiry by showing how Jesus’ teachings are to be understood in relation to his role...

shape to the whole mission of Jesus: he saw himself as standing on their shoulders in a renewed prophetic call to the nation. Alongside this context of the variety of Judaism and his relationship to John, we must also remember that Jesus was, after all, a human being. Orthodox confessions within Christianity, especially among the more conservative, have understandably focused on the extraordinary nature of Jesus’ person and ministry. However theologically astute such a confession may be, the impact
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