
The Letters of John and Jude is unavailable, but you can change that!

The letters of John and Jude deal with heretical teachings within the early Church. In 1 John the problem was Gnosticism—a view that the material world is evil—and according to Barclay, a view that still infects the thinking of some of today's Christians. Second and 3 John contain warnings against visiting preachers who taught false doctrines and against other individuals who attacked the...

despised the body, which, being matter, was necessarily evil. Imprisoned within this body was the human spirit. That spirit was a seed of God, who was altogether good. So, the aim of life must be to release this heavenly seed imprisoned in the evil of the body. That could be done only by a secret knowledge and elaborate ritual which only true Gnostics could supply. Here was a train of thought which was written deep into Greek thinking—and which has not even now ceased to exist. Its basis is the conviction
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