
The Gospel of John, Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

“The more we study John, the more wealth arises out of it,” says William Barclay about the fourth gospel. In this volume, Dr. Barclay completes his intensive study begun in the Gospel of John, Volume 1 (that covers chapters 1 through 7) and helps give the reader a sharpened perception of the emphases of this gospel. Written during a time when heresies abounded, the Gospel of John clarifies both...

disciples were still arguing about matters of precedence and prestige. It may well be that this very argument produced the situation which made Jesus act as he did. The roads of Palestine were unsurfaced and uncleaned. In dry weather they were inches deep in dust, and in wet they were liquid mud. The shoes ordinary people wore were sandals, which were simply soles held on to the foot by a few straps. They gave little protection against the dust or the mud of the roads. For that reason, there were
Pages 162–163