
Understanding Scripture: An Adventist Approach is unavailable, but you can change that!

The method we use in the interpretation of Scripture is crucial for a correct understanding of God’s Word. Unfortunately, postmodern trends in the Christian church have largely led to the abandonment of the idea that in Scripture God is still speaking to us. But in order to hear God correctly, we need to apply proper methods in the interpretation of his Word. Understanding Scripture seeks to...

cleansing of the sanctuary of Daniel 8:14 and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6–12.12 The doctrinal components of that system of “present truth” comprised both those “eschatological doctrines derived from the historical and/or supra-historical fulfillment of specific end-time prophecies of Scripture” and those “historical doctrines of Scripture that had been overlooked and disregarded by the larger Christian church, but which would be restored at the end of time.”13 Foundational to the
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