New Century Version
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1 Solomon’s Song of Songs.

The Woman Speaks to the Man She Loves

Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth,

because your love is better than wine.

The smell of your perfume is pleasant,

and your name is pleasant like expensive perfume.

That’s why the young women love you.

Take me with you; let’s run together.

The king takes me into his rooms.

Friends Speak to the Man

We will rejoice and be happy with you;

we praise your love more than wine.

With good reason, the young women love you.

The Woman Speaks

I’m dark but lovely,

women of Jerusalem,

dark like the tents of Kedar,

like the curtains of Solomon.

Don’t look at how dark I am,

at how dark the sun has made me.

My brothers were angry with me

and made me tend the vineyards,

so I haven’t tended my own vineyard!

Tell me, you whom I love,

where do you feed your sheep?

Where do you let them rest at noon?

Why should I look for you near your friend’s sheep,

like a woman who wears a veil? n

The Man Speaks to the Woman

You are the most beautiful of women.

Surely you know to follow the sheep

and feed your young goats

near the shepherds’ tents.

My darling, you are like a mare

among the king’s stallions.

10  Your cheeks are beautiful with ornaments,

and your neck with jewels.

11  We will make for you gold earrings

with silver hooks.

The Woman Speaks

12  The smell of my perfume spreads out

to the king on his couch.

13  My lover is like a bag of myrrh

that lies all night between my breasts.

14  My lover is like a bunch of flowers

from the vineyards at En Gedi.

The Man Speaks

15  My darling, you are beautiful!

Oh, you are beautiful,

and your eyes are like doves.

The Woman Answers the Man

16  You are so handsome, my lover,

and so pleasant!

Our bed is the grass.

17  Cedar trees form our roof;

our ceiling is made of juniper wood.


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The New Century Version is one of the easiest translations of the Bible to understand. It accurately communicates the messages found in the original languages of biblical manuscripts, using the kind of terms you use every day. It uses contemporary language with down-to-earth vocabulary. The end result is a fresh, straightforward, and strong translations of God’s truth; and it is something you can connect with in your daily life. You’ll find it easier to experience God's Word as it truly is—absolutely clear, powerfully alive, and completely life-changing.


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