New Century Version
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Elihu Speaks

32 These three men stopped trying to answer Job, because he was so sure he was right. But Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite, from the family of Ram, became very angry with Job, because Job claimed he was right instead of God. Elihu was also angry with Job’s three friends who had no answer to show that Job was wrong, yet continued to blame him. Elihu had waited before speaking to Job, because the three friends were older than he was. But when Elihu saw that the three men had nothing more to say, he became very angry.

So Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite said this:

“I am young,

and you are old.

That is why I was afraid

to tell you what I know.

I thought, ‘Older people should speak,

and those who have lived many years should teach wisdom.’

But it is the spirit in a person,

the breath of the Almighty, that gives understanding.

It is not just older people who are wise;

they are not the only ones who understand what is right.

10  So I say, listen to me.

I too will tell you what I know.

11  I waited while you three spoke,

and listened to your explanations.

While you looked for words to use,

12  I paid close attention to you.

But not one of you has proved Job wrong;

none of you has answered his arguments.

13  Don’t say, ‘We have found wisdom;

only God will show Job to be wrong, not people.’

14  Job has not spoken his words against me,

so I will not use your arguments to answer Job.

15  “These three friends are defeated and have no more to say;

words have failed them.

16  Now they are standing there with no answers for Job.

Now that they are quiet, must I wait to speak?

17  No, I too will speak

and tell what I know.

18  I am full of words,

and the spirit in me causes me to speak.

19  I am like wine that has been bottled up;

I am ready to burst like a new leather wine bag.

20  I must speak so I will feel relief;

I must open my mouth and answer.

21  I will be fair to everyone

and not flatter anyone.

22  I don’t know how to flatter,

and if I did, my Maker would quickly take me away.


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