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The Privileges of Citizenship in Zion.
A Psalm of the sons of Korah. A Song.
1 His afoundation is in the holy mountains.
2 The Lord aloves the gates of Zion
More than all the other dwelling places of Jacob.
3 aGlorious things are spoken of you,
O bcity of God.
4 “I shall mention 1aRahab and Babylon 2among those who know Me;
Behold, Philistia and bTyre with 3cEthiopia:
‘This one was born there.’ ”
5 But of Zion it shall be said, “This one and that one were born in her”;
And the Most High Himself will aestablish her.
6 The Lord will count when He aregisters the peoples,
“This one was born there.”
7 Then those who asing as well as those who 1bplay the flutes shall say,
“All my csprings of joy are in you.”
A Petition to Be Saved from Death.
A Song. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. For the choir director; according to Mahalath Leannoth. A †Maskil of Heman •the Ezrahite.
1 O Lord, the aGod of my salvation,
I have bcried out by day and in the night before You.
2 Let my prayer acome before You;
bIncline Your ear to my cry!
3 For my asoul has 1had enough troubles,
And bmy life has drawn near to 2Sheol.
4 I am reckoned among those who ago down to the pit;
I have become like a man bwithout strength,
Like the slain who lie in the grave,
Whom You remember no more,
And they are bcut off from Your hand.
6 You have put me in athe lowest pit,
In bdark places, in the cdepths.
7 Your wrath ahas rested upon me,
And You have afflicted me with ball Your waves.
8 You have removed amy acquaintances far from me;
You have made me an 1bobject of loathing to them;
I am cshut up and cannot go out.
9 My aeye has wasted away because of affliction;
I have bcalled upon You every day, O Lord;
I have cspread out my 1hands to You.
10 Will You perform wonders for the dead?
Will athe 1departed spirits rise and praise You?
11 Will Your lovingkindness be declared in the grave,
Your faithfulness in 1Abaddon?
12 Will Your wonders be made known in the adarkness?
And Your 1righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
13 But I, O Lord, have cried out ato You for help,
And bin the morning my prayer comes before You.
14 O Lord, why ado You reject my soul?
Why do You bhide Your face from me?
15 I was afflicted and aabout to die from my youth on;
I suffer bYour terrors; I am 1overcome.
16 Your aburning anger has passed over me;
Your terrors have 1bdestroyed me.
17 They have asurrounded me blike water all day long;
They have cencompassed me altogether.
18 You have removed alover and friend far from me;
My acquaintances are in darkness.
The Lord’s Covenant with David, and Israel’s Afflictions.
A †Maskil of •Ethan ^the Ezrahite.
1 I will asing of the lovingkindness of the Lord forever;
To all generations I will bmake known Your cfaithfulness with my mouth.
2 For I have said, “aLovingkindness will be built up forever;
In the heavens You will establish Your bfaithfulness.”
3 “I have made a covenant with aMy chosen;
I have bsworn to David My servant,
4 I will establish your aseed forever
And build up your bthrone to all generations.”
5 The aheavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord;
Your faithfulness also bin the assembly of the choly ones.
6 For awho in the skies is comparable to the Lord?
Who among the 1bsons of the mighty is like the Lord,
7 A God agreatly feared in the council of the bholy ones,
And cawesome above all those who are around Him?
8 O Lord God of hosts, awho is like You, O mighty 1Lord?
Your faithfulness also surrounds You.
9 You rule the swelling of the sea;
When its waves rise, You astill them.
10 You Yourself crushed 1aRahab like one who is slain;
You bscattered Your enemies with 2Your mighty arm.
11 The aheavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;
The bworld and 1all it contains, You have founded them.
12 The anorth and the south, You have created them;
bTabor and cHermon dshout for joy at Your name.
13 You have 1a strong arm;
Your hand is mighty, Your aright hand is exalted.
14 aRighteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne;
bLovingkindness and 1truth go before You.
15 How blessed are the people who know the 1ajoyful sound!
O Lord, they walk in the blight of Your countenance.
16 In aYour name they rejoice all the day,
And by Your righteousness they are exalted.
17 For You are the glory of atheir strength,
And by Your favor 1our bhorn is exalted.
18 For our ashield belongs to the Lord,
1And our king to the bHoly One of Israel.
19 1Once You spoke in vision to Your godly 2ones,
And said, “I have 3given help to one who is amighty;
I have exalted one bchosen from the people.
20 “I have afound David My servant;
With My holy boil I have anointed him,
21 With whom aMy hand will be established;
My arm also will bstrengthen him.
22 “The enemy will not 1deceive him,
Nor the 2ason of wickedness afflict him.
23 “But I shall acrush his adversaries before him,
And strike those who hate him.
24 “My afaithfulness and My lovingkindness will be with him,
And in My name his bhorn will be exalted.
25 “I shall also set his hand aon the sea
And his right hand on the rivers.
26 “He will cry to Me, ‘You are amy Father,
My God, and the brock of my salvation.’
27 “I also shall make him My afirstborn,
The bhighest of the kings of the earth.
28 “My alovingkindness I will keep for him forever,
And My bcovenant shall be confirmed to him.
29 “So I will establish his 1adescendants forever
And his bthrone cas the days of heaven.
30 “If his sons aforsake My law
And do not walk in My judgments,
31 If they 1violate My statutes
And do not keep My commandments,
32 Then I will punish their transgression with the arod
And their iniquity with stripes.
33 “But I will not break off aMy lovingkindness from him,
Nor deal falsely in My faithfulness.
34 “My acovenant I will not 1violate,
Nor will I balter 2the utterance of My lips.
35 “1Once I have asworn by My holiness;
I will not lie to David.
36 “His 1adescendants shall endure forever
And his bthrone cas the sun before Me.
37 “It shall be established forever alike the moon,
And the bwitness in the sky is faithful.”
38 But You have acast off and brejected,
You have been full of wrath 1against Your canointed.
39 You have aspurned the covenant of Your servant;
You have bprofaned chis crown 1in the dust.
40 You have abroken down all his walls;
You have bbrought his strongholds to ruin.
41 aAll who pass along the way plunder him;
He has become a breproach to his neighbors.
42 You have aexalted the right hand of his adversaries;
You have bmade all his enemies rejoice.
43 You also turn back the edge of his sword
And have anot made him stand in battle.
44 You have made his 1asplendor to cease
And cast his throne to the ground.
45 You have ashortened the days of his youth;
You have bcovered him with shame.
46 aHow long, O Lord?
Will You hide Yourself forever?
Will Your bwrath burn like fire?
47 aRemember 1what my span of life is;
For what bvanity 2You have created all the sons of men!
48 What man can live and not asee death?
Can he bdeliver his soul from the 1power of 2Sheol?
49 Where are Your former lovingkindnesses, O Lord,
Which You aswore to David in Your faithfulness?
50 Remember, O Lord, the areproach of Your servants;
1How I bear in my bosom the reproach of all the many peoples,
51 With which aYour enemies have reproached, O Lord,
With which they have reproached the footsteps of bYour anointed.
52 aBlessed be the Lord forever!
Amen and Amen.
God’s Eternity and Man’s Transitoriness.
A Prayer of †Moses, the man of God.
1 Lord, You have been our 1adwelling place in all generations.
2 Before athe mountains were born
1Or You bgave birth to the earth and the world,
Even cfrom everlasting to everlasting, You are God.
3 You aturn man back into dust
And say, “Return, O children of men.”
4 For aa thousand years in Your sight
Are like byesterday when it passes by,
5 You ahave 1swept them away like a flood, they 2bfall asleep;
In the morning they are like cgrass which 3sprouts anew.
6 In the morning it aflourishes and 1sprouts anew;
Toward evening it bfades and cwithers away.
7 For we have been aconsumed by Your anger
And by Your wrath we have been 1dismayed.
8 You have aplaced our iniquities before You,
Our bsecret sins in the light of Your presence.
9 For aall our days have declined in Your fury;
We have finished our years like a 1sigh.
10 As for the days of our 1life, 2they contain seventy years,
Or if due to strength, aeighty years,
Yet their pride is but blabor and sorrow;
For soon it is gone and we cfly away.
11 Who 1understands the apower of Your anger
And Your fury, according to the bfear 2that is due You?
12 So ateach us to number our days,
That we may 1bpresent to You a heart of wisdom.
13 Do areturn, O Lord; bhow long will it be?
And 1be csorry for Your servants.
14 O asatisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness,
That we may bsing for joy and be glad all our days.
15 aMake us glad 1according to the days You have afflicted us,
And the byears we have seen 2evil.
16 Let Your awork appear to Your servants
And Your bmajesty 1to their children.
17 Let the afavor of the Lord our God be upon us;
And 1bconfirm for us the work of our hands;
Yes, 1confirm the work of our hands.
Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord.
1 He who dwells in the ashelter of the Most High
Will abide in the bshadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the Lord, “My arefuge and my bfortress,
My God, in whom I ctrust!”
3 For it is He who delivers you from the asnare of the trapper
And from the deadly bpestilence.
4 He will acover you with His pinions,
And bunder His wings you may seek refuge;
His cfaithfulness is a dshield and bulwark.
5 You awill not be afraid of the bterror by night,
Or of the carrow that flies by day;
6 Of the apestilence that 1stalks in darkness,
Or of the bdestruction that lays waste at noon.
7 A thousand may fall at your side
And ten thousand at your right hand,
But ait shall not approach you.
8 You will only look on with your eyes
And asee the recompense of the wicked.
9 1For you have made the Lord, amy refuge,
Even the Most High, byour dwelling place.
10 aNo evil will befall you,
Nor will any plague come near your 1tent.
11 For He will give aHis angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.
12 They will abear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will atread upon the lion and cobra,
The young lion and the 1serpent you will trample down.
14 “aBecause he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will bset him securely on high, because he has cknown My name.
15 “He will acall upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in 1trouble;
I will rescue him and bhonor him.
Praise for the Lord’s Goodness.
A Psalm, a Song for the Sabbath day.
1 It is agood to give thanks to the Lord
And to bsing praises to Your name, O Most High;
2 To adeclare Your lovingkindness in the morning
And Your bfaithfulness 1by night,
3 1With the aten-stringed lute and 1with the aharp,
1With resounding music 2upon the alyre.
4 For You, O Lord, have made me glad by 1what You ahave done,
I will bsing for joy at the cworks of Your hands.
5 How agreat are Your works, O Lord!
Your 1bthoughts are very cdeep.
6 A asenseless man has no knowledge,
Nor does a astupid man understand this:
7 That when the wicked asprouted up like grass
And all bwho did iniquity flourished,
It was only that they might be cdestroyed forevermore.
8 But You, O Lord, are aon high forever.
9 For, behold, Your enemies, O Lord,
For, behold, aYour enemies will perish;
All who do iniquity will be bscattered.
10 But You have exalted my ahorn like that of the wild ox;
I have 1been banointed with fresh oil.
11 And my eye has alooked exultantly upon 1my foes,
My ears hear of the evildoers who rise up against me.
12 The arighteous man will 1flourish like the palm tree,
He will grow like a bcedar in Lebanon.
13 aPlanted in the house of the Lord,
They will flourish bin the courts of our God.
14 They will still 1ayield fruit in old age;
They shall be 2full of sap and very green,
1 aThe Lord 1reigns, He is bclothed with majesty;
The Lord has cclothed and girded Himself with strength;
Indeed, the dworld is firmly established, it will not be moved.
2 Your athrone is established from of old;
You bare from everlasting.
3 The afloods have lifted up, O Lord,
The floods have lifted up their voice,
The floods lift up their pounding waves.
4 More than the sounds of many waters,
Than the mighty breakers of the sea,
The Lord aon high is mighty.
5 Your atestimonies are fully confirmed;
bHoliness befits Your house,
O Lord, 1forevermore.
The Lord Implored to Avenge His People.
God of 1vengeance, 2bshine forth!
2 aRise up, O bJudge of the earth,
Render recompense cto the proud.
3 How long shall the wicked, O Lord,
How long shall the awicked exult?
4 They pour forth words, they aspeak arrogantly;
All who do wickedness bvaunt themselves.
5 They acrush Your people, O Lord,
And bafflict Your heritage.
6 They aslay the widow and the 1stranger
And murder the orphans.
7 aThey have said, “1The Lord does not see,
Nor does the God of Jacob pay heed.”
8 Pay heed, you asenseless among the people;
And when will you understand, astupid ones?
9 He who aplanted the ear, 1does He not hear?
He who formed the eye, 1does He not see?
10 He who 1achastens the nations, will He not rebuke,
Even He who bteaches man knowledge?
11 The Lord aknows the thoughts of man,
1That they are a mere breath.
12 Blessed is the man whom aYou chasten, O 1Lord,
And bwhom You teach out of Your law;
13 That You may grant him arelief from the bdays of adversity,
Until ca pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For athe Lord will not abandon His people,
Nor will He bforsake His inheritance.
15 For 1ajudgment 2will again be righteous,
And all the upright in heart 3will follow it.
16 Who will astand up for me against evildoers?
Who will take his stand for me bagainst those who do wickedness?
17 If athe Lord had not been my help,
My soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence.
18 If I should say, “aMy foot has slipped,”
Your lovingkindness, O Lord, will hold me up.
19 When my anxious thoughts 1multiply within me,
Your aconsolations delight my soul.
20 Can a 1athrone of destruction be allied with You,
One bwhich devises 2mischief by decree?
21 They aband themselves together against the 1life of the righteous
And bcondemn 2the innocent to death.
22 But the Lord has been my astronghold,
And my God the brock of my refuge.
23 He has abrought back their wickedness upon them
And will 1bdestroy them in their evil;
The Lord our God will 1destroy them.
Praise to the Lord, and Warning against Unbelief.
1 O come, let us asing for joy to the Lord,
Let us shout joyfully to bthe rock of our salvation.
2 Let us acome before His presence bwith 1thanksgiving,
Let us shout joyfully to Him cwith 2psalms.
3 For the Lord is a agreat God
And a great King babove all gods,
4 In whose hand are the adepths of the earth,
The peaks of the mountains are His also.
5 1The sea is His, for it was He awho made it,
And His hands formed the dry land.
6 Come, let us aworship and bow down,
Let us bkneel before the Lord our cMaker.
And awe are the people of His 1bpasture and the sheep of His hand.
cToday, 2if you would hear His voice,
8 Do not harden your hearts, as at 1aMeribah,
As in the day of 2bMassah in the wilderness,
9 “When your fathers atested Me,
They tried Me, though they had seen My work.
10 “For aforty years I loathed that generation,
And said they are a people who err in their heart,
And they do not know My ways.
11 “Therefore I aswore in My anger,
Truly they shall not enter into My brest.”
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About New American Standard Bible: 1995 UpdateThe New American Standard Bible, long considered a favorite study Bible by serious students of the Scriptures, has been completely revised and updated in this new 1995 translation. Preserving the Lockman Foundation's standard of creating a literal translation of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic manuscripts, the 1995 NASB provides a literal translation that is very readable. Formalized language and outdated words and phrases have been replaced with their contemporary counterparts. In short, the 1995 NASB is a Bible translation that is very conducive to word-by-word study and is also able to be read (and understood) by the whole family. |
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