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Thanksgiving for the Lord’s Saving Goodness.
1 aGive thanks to the Lord, for bHe is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
2 Oh let aIsrael say,
“His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
3 Oh let the ahouse of Aaron say,
“His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
4 Oh let those awho 1fear the Lord say,
“His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
5 From my adistress I called upon 1the Lord;
1The Lord answered me and bset me in a large place.
6 The Lord is afor me; I will bnot fear;
cWhat can man do to me?
7 The Lord is for me aamong those who help me;
Therefore I will blook with satisfaction on those who hate me.
8 It is abetter to take refuge in the Lord
Than to trust in man.
9 It is abetter to take refuge in the Lord
Than to trust in princes.
10 All nations asurrounded me;
In the name of the Lord I will surely bcut them off.
11 They asurrounded me, yes, they surrounded me;
In the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off.
12 They surrounded me alike bees;
They were extinguished as a bfire of thorns;
In the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off.
13 You apushed me violently so that I 1was falling,
But the Lord bhelped me.
14 1aThe Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become bmy salvation.
15 The sound of ajoyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous;
The bright hand of the Lord does valiantly.
16 The aright hand of the Lord is exalted;
The right hand of the Lord does valiantly.
17 I awill not die, but live,
And btell of the works of 1the Lord.
18 1The Lord has adisciplined me severely,
But He has bnot given me over to death.
19 aOpen to me the gates of righteousness;
I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to 1the Lord.
20 This is the gate of the Lord;
The arighteous will enter through it.
21 I shall give thanks to You, for You have aanswered me,
And You have bbecome my salvation.
22 The astone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief corner stone.
23 This is 1the Lord’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
24 This is the day which the Lord has made;
Let us arejoice and be glad in it.
25 O Lord, ado save, we beseech You;
O Lord, we beseech You, do send bprosperity!
26 aBlessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord;
We have bblessed you from the house of the Lord.
27 aThe Lord is God, and He has given us blight;
Bind the festival sacrifice with cords 1to the chorns of the altar.
28 aYou are my God, and I give thanks to You;
You are my God, bI extol You.
29 aGive thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Meditations and Prayers Relating to the Law of God.
1 How blessed are those whose way is 1ablameless,
Who bwalk in the law of the Lord.
2 How blessed are those who aobserve His testimonies,
Who bseek Him cwith all their heart.
3 They also ado no unrighteousness;
They walk in His ways.
4 You have 1aordained Your precepts,
2That we should keep them diligently.
5 Oh that my aways may be established
To bkeep Your statutes!
6 Then I ashall not be ashamed
When I look 1upon all Your commandments.
7 I shall agive thanks to You with uprightness of heart,
When I learn Your righteous judgments.
Do not aforsake me utterly!
9 How can a young man keep his way pure?
By akeeping it according to Your word.
10 With aall my heart I have sought You;
Do not let me bwander from Your commandments.
11 Your word I have atreasured in my heart,
That I may not sin against You.
aTeach me Your statutes.
13 With my lips I have atold of
All the bordinances of Your mouth.
14 I have arejoiced in the way of Your testimonies,
1As much as in all riches.
15 I will ameditate on Your precepts
16 I shall 1adelight in Your statutes;
I shall bnot forget Your word.
17 aDeal bountifully with Your servant,
That I may live and keep Your word.
18 Open my eyes, that I may behold
Wonderful things from Your law.
19 I am a astranger in the earth;
Do not hide Your commandments from me.
20 My soul is crushed 1awith longing
After Your ordinances at all times.
21 You arebuke the arrogant, 1the bcursed,
Who cwander from Your commandments.
22 aTake away reproach and contempt from me,
For I bobserve Your testimonies.
23 Even though aprinces sit and talk against me,
Your servant bmeditates on Your statutes.
24 Your testimonies also are my adelight;
They are 1my counselors.
25 My asoul cleaves to the dust;
bRevive me caccording to Your word.
26 I have told of my ways, and You have answered me;
aTeach me Your statutes.
27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts,
So I will ameditate on Your wonders.
28 My asoul 1weeps because of grief;
bStrengthen me according to Your word.
29 Remove the false way from me,
And graciously grant me Your law.
30 I have chosen the faithful way;
I have 1placed Your ordinances before me.
31 I acling to Your testimonies;
O Lord, do not put me to shame!
32 I shall run the way of Your commandments,
For You will aenlarge my heart.
33 aTeach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes,
And I shall observe it to the end.
34 aGive me understanding, that I may bobserve Your law
And keep it cwith all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the apath of Your commandments,
For I bdelight in it.
36 aIncline my heart to Your testimonies
And not to bdishonest gain.
37 Turn away my aeyes from looking at vanity,
And brevive me in Your ways.
38 aEstablish Your 1word to Your servant,
2As that which produces reverence for You.
39 aTurn away my reproach which I dread,
For Your ordinances are good.
40 Behold, I along for Your precepts;
Revive me through Your righteousness.
41 May Your alovingkindnesses also come to me, O Lord,
Your salvation baccording to Your 1word;
42 So I will have an aanswer for him who breproaches me,
For I trust in Your word.
43 And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth,
For I 1await for Your ordinances.
44 So I will akeep Your law continually,
Forever and ever.
45 And I will awalk 1at liberty,
For I bseek Your precepts.
46 I will also speak of Your testimonies abefore kings
And shall not be ashamed.
47 I shall 1adelight in Your commandments,
Which I blove.
48 And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments,
Which I alove;
And I will bmeditate on Your statutes.
49 Remember the word to Your servant,
1In which You have made me hope.
50 This is my acomfort in my affliction,
That Your word has 1revived me.
51 The arrogant autterly deride me,
Yet I do not bturn aside from Your law.
52 I have aremembered Your ordinances from 1of old, O Lord,
And comfort myself.
53 Burning aindignation has seized me because of the wicked,
Who bforsake Your law.
In the house of my apilgrimage.
55 O Lord, I aremember Your name bin the night,
And keep Your law.
1That I aobserve Your precepts.
57 The Lord is my aportion;
I have 1promised to bkeep Your words.
58 I asought Your favor bwith all my heart;
cBe gracious to me daccording to Your 1word.
59 I aconsidered my ways
And turned my feet to Your testimonies.
60 I hastened and did not delay
To keep Your commandments.
61 The acords of the wicked have encircled me,
But I have bnot forgotten Your law.
62 At amidnight I shall rise to give thanks to You
Because of Your brighteous ordinances.
63 I am a acompanion of all those who 1fear You,
And of those who keep Your precepts.
64 aThe earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O Lord;
bTeach me Your statutes.
65 You have dealt well with Your servant,
O Lord, according to Your word.
66 Teach me good 1adiscernment and knowledge,
For I believe in Your commandments.
67 aBefore I was afflicted I went astray,
But now I keep Your word.
68 You are agood and bdo good;
cTeach me Your statutes.
69 The arrogant 1have aforged a lie against me;
With all my heart I will bobserve Your precepts.
70 Their heart is 1acovered with fat,
But I bdelight in Your law.
71 It is agood for me that I was afflicted,
That I may learn Your statutes.
72 The alaw of Your mouth is better to me
Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
73 aYour hands made me and 1fashioned me;
bGive me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.
74 May those who 1fear You asee me and be glad,
Because I 2bwait for Your word.
75 I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are arighteous,
And that bin faithfulness You have afflicted me.
76 O may Your lovingkindness 1comfort me,
According to Your 2word to Your servant.
77 May aYour compassion come to me that I may live,
For Your law is my bdelight.
78 May athe arrogant be ashamed, for they subvert me bwith a lie;
But I shall cmeditate on Your precepts.
79 May those who 1fear You turn to me,
Even those who know Your testimonies.
80 May my heart be 1ablameless in Your statutes,
So that I will not bbe ashamed.
81 My asoul languishes for Your salvation;
82 My aeyes fail with longing for Your 1word,
2While I say, “When will You comfort me?”
83 Though I have abecome like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do bnot forget Your statutes.
84 How many are the adays of Your servant?
When will You bexecute judgment on those who persecute me?
85 The arrogant have adug pits for me,
Men who are not 1in accord with Your law.
86 All Your commandments are afaithful;
They have bpersecuted me with a lie; chelp me!
87 They almost destroyed me 1on earth,
But as for me, I adid not forsake Your precepts.
88 Revive me according to Your lovingkindness,
So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.
89 aForever, O Lord,
Your word 1is settled in heaven.
90 Your afaithfulness continues 1throughout all generations;
You bestablished the earth, and it cstands.
91 They stand this day according to Your aordinances,
For ball things are Your servants.
92 If Your law had not been my adelight,
Then I would have perished bin my affliction.
93 I will anever forget Your precepts,
For by them You have 1brevived me.
94 I am Yours, asave me;
For I have bsought Your precepts.
95 The wicked await for me to destroy me;
I shall diligently consider Your testimonies.
96 I have seen 1a limit to all perfection;
Your commandment is exceedingly broad.
97 O how I alove Your law!
It is my bmeditation all the day.
98 Your acommandments make me wiser than my enemies,
For they are ever 1mine.
99 I have more insight than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my ameditation.
100 I understand amore than the aged,
Because I have bobserved Your precepts.
101 I have arestrained my feet from every evil way,
That I may keep Your word.
102 I have not aturned aside from Your ordinances,
For You Yourself have taught me.
103 How asweet are Your 1words to my 2taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
104 From Your precepts I aget understanding;
Therefore I bhate every false way.
105 Your word is a alamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
106 I have asworn and I will confirm it,
That I will keep Your righteous ordinances.
107 I am exceedingly aafflicted;
1bRevive me, O Lord, according to Your word.
108 O accept the afreewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord,
And bteach me Your ordinances.
109 My 1alife is continually 2in my hand,
Yet I do not bforget Your law.
110 The wicked have alaid a snare for me,
Yet I have not bgone astray from Your precepts.
111 I have ainherited Your testimonies forever,
For they are the bjoy of my heart.
112 I have ainclined my heart to perform Your statutes
Forever, even bto the end.
113 I hate those who are adouble-minded,
But I love Your blaw.
114 You are my ahiding place and my bshield;
115 aDepart from me, evildoers,
That I may bobserve the commandments of my God.
116 aSustain me according to Your 1word, that I may live;
And bdo not let me be 2ashamed of my hope.
117 Uphold me that I may be asafe,
That I may bhave regard for Your statutes continually.
118 You have 1rejected all those awho wander from Your statutes,
For their deceitfulness is 2useless.
119 You have 1removed all the wicked of the earth like adross;
Therefore I blove Your testimonies.
120 My flesh 1atrembles for fear of You,
And I am bafraid of Your judgments.
121 I have adone justice and righteousness;
Do not leave me to my oppressors.
122 Be asurety for Your servant for good;
Do not let the arrogant boppress me.
123 My aeyes fail with longing for Your salvation
And for Your righteous 1word.
124 Deal with Your servant aaccording to Your lovingkindness
And bteach me Your statutes.
125 aI am Your servant; bgive me understanding,
That I may know Your testimonies.
126 It is time for the Lord to aact,
For they have broken Your law.
127 Therefore I alove Your commandments
Above gold, yes, above fine gold.
128 Therefore I esteem right all Your aprecepts concerning everything,
I bhate every false way.
129 Your testimonies are awonderful;
Therefore my soul bobserves them.
130 The aunfolding of Your words gives light;
It gives bunderstanding to the simple.
131 I aopened my mouth wide and bpanted,
For I clonged for Your commandments.
132 aTurn to me and be gracious to me,
After Your manner 1with those who love Your name.
133 Establish my afootsteps in Your 1word,
And do not let any iniquity bhave dominion over me.
134 aRedeem me from the oppression of man,
That I may keep Your precepts.
135 aMake Your face shine upon Your servant,
And bteach me Your statutes.
136 My eyes 1shed astreams of water,
Because they bdo not keep Your law.
137 aRighteous are You, O Lord,
And upright are Your judgments.
138 You have commanded Your testimonies in arighteousness
And exceeding bfaithfulness.
139 My azeal has 1consumed me,
Because my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
140 Your 1aword is very 2pure,
Therefore Your servant bloves it.
141 I am small and adespised,
Yet I do not bforget Your precepts.
142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness,
And aYour law is truth.
143 Trouble and anguish have 1come upon me,
Yet Your commandments are my adelight.
144 Your atestimonies are righteous forever;
bGive me understanding that I may live.
145 I cried awith all my heart; answer me, O Lord!
I will bobserve Your statutes.
146 I cried to You; asave me
And I shall keep Your testimonies.
147 I 1arise before dawn and cry for help;
I 2wait for Your words.
148 My eyes anticipate the anight watches,
That I may bmeditate on Your 1word.
149 Hear my voice aaccording to Your lovingkindness;
bRevive me, O Lord, according to Your ordinances.
150 Those who follow after wickedness draw near;
They are far from Your law.
151 You are anear, O Lord,
And all Your commandments are btruth.
152 Of old I have aknown from Your testimonies
That You have founded them bforever.
153 aLook upon my baffliction and rescue me,
For I do not cforget Your law.
154 aPlead my cause and bredeem me;
Revive me according to Your 1word.
155 Salvation is afar from the wicked,
For they bdo not seek Your statutes.
156 1aGreat are Your mercies, O Lord;
Revive me according to Your ordinances.
157 Many are my apersecutors and my adversaries,
Yet I do not bturn aside from Your testimonies.
158 I behold the atreacherous and bloathe them,
Because they do not keep Your 1word.
159 Consider how I alove Your precepts;
bRevive me, O Lord, according to Your lovingkindness.
160 The asum of Your word is btruth,
And every one of Your righteous ordinances cis everlasting.
161 aPrinces persecute me without cause,
But my heart bstands in awe of Your words.
As one who bfinds great spoil.
163 I ahate and despise falsehood,
But I blove Your law.
164 Seven times a day I praise You,
Because of Your arighteous ordinances.
165 Those who love Your law have agreat peace,
And 1bnothing causes them to stumble.
166 I ahope for Your salvation, O Lord,
And do Your commandments.
167 My asoul keeps Your testimonies,
And I blove them exceedingly.
168 I akeep Your precepts and Your testimonies,
For all my bways are before You.
169 Let my acry 1come before You, O Lord;
bGive me understanding caccording to Your word.
170 Let my asupplication come before You;
bDeliver me according to Your 1word.
171 Let my alips utter praise,
For You bteach me Your statutes.
172 Let my atongue sing of Your 1word,
For all Your bcommandments are righteousness.
173 Let Your ahand be 1ready to help me,
For I have bchosen Your precepts.
174 I along for Your salvation, O Lord,
And Your law is my bdelight.
175 Let my asoul live that it may praise You,
And let Your ordinances help me.
176 I have agone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant,
For I do bnot forget Your commandments.
Prayer for Deliverance from the Treacherous.
A Song of †Ascents.
1 aIn my trouble I cried to the Lord,
And He answered me.
2 Deliver my soul, O Lord, from alying lips,
From a bdeceitful tongue.
3 What shall be given to you, and what more shall be done to you,
You adeceitful tongue?
4 aSharp arrows of the warrior,
With the burning bcoals of the broom tree.
5 Woe is me, for I sojourn in aMeshech,
For I dwell among the btents of cKedar!
6 Too long has my soul had its dwelling
With those who ahate peace.
7 I aam for peace, but when I speak,
They are bfor war.
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About New American Standard Bible: 1995 UpdateThe New American Standard Bible, long considered a favorite study Bible by serious students of the Scriptures, has been completely revised and updated in this new 1995 translation. Preserving the Lockman Foundation's standard of creating a literal translation of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic manuscripts, the 1995 NASB provides a literal translation that is very readable. Formalized language and outdated words and phrases have been replaced with their contemporary counterparts. In short, the 1995 NASB is a Bible translation that is very conducive to word-by-word study and is also able to be read (and understood) by the whole family. |
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