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The Gospel of Matthew, written for Jewish Christians, focuses on who Jesus is, why he came, and how he fits into God’s bigger purposes. Matthew shows that Jesus is the long-expected Messiah, the bringer of God’s kingdom. The most prominent feature of this gospel is the teaching of Jesus, which is arranged in five discourses that dominate the book’s structure. This commentary is written by one of...

This section of the Sermon inculcates a freedom from anxiety, rising from implicit confidence in a heavenly Father’s love and care. Verses 19–21 constitute a perfect poem in Aramaic, showing unforced rhythm and even rhyme. The uncertainty of treasure laid up on earth is illustrated by the parable of Luke 12:15–21. “Character is the only garment you can weave in this world and wear in the next.” An unsound eye, in the sense of 6:23, is an envious eye, which is apt
Matthew 6:19–34