
Hosea: A Mentor Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Like a wife unfaithful to her husband, so Israel was unfaithful to the Lord. This is vividly illustrated in the book of Hosea where Hosea’s own marriage represents Israel’s relationship with the Lord. In worldly terms it appears that life is going well for God’s people. The Northern Kingdom had been going through a time of great economic stability and security. However this does not lead the...

will those laws expressed. They had ruptured their relationship with the LORD and could no longer enjoy his favour. Divine forgetfulness of their sons/‘children’ (cf. 1:10) points to the withdrawal of God’s protection and blessing with all the dire consequences which would follow from that. So their action has repercussions for the well-being of subsequent generations to whom they bequeath a legacy of rebellion and alienation (cf. Exod. 20:5). • Contending with a priest (4:4) is symptomatic
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