
A Manual of Councils of the Holy Catholic Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

Since the beginnings of Christianity and the formation of the Christian church, there have been hundreds of General, Patriarchal, National, and Primatial Councils, where Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican church leaders and theologians met to discuss their church doctrines and disciplines. These councils are crucial for addressing church dogmatics, ecclesiastical canons, and official church...

deacons, three hundred and eighteen bishops1 from Syria, Cilicia, Phœnicia, and Arabia; those of Palestine also attended, with those of Egypt, Thebais, Libya, and Mesopotamia. A Persian bishop also was present, and a Goth, also bishops from Pontus, Galatia and Pamphylia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Phrygia, Thrace, Macedonia, and Achaia, Epirus and Spain. The Pope Sylvester not being able, on account of his advanced age, to attend personally, sent his legates, two priests, named Vitus (or Victor) and
Volume 1, Pages 404–405