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For thirty years, John MacArthur has spent nearly thirty hours a week studying the Bible, taking detailed notes, and teaching people what he learns. The result is The MacArthur Study Bible. With The MacArthur Study Bible you will have help understanding difficult passages, simplifying complex doctrines, and bridging important culture, geography, history, and language gaps. It can help bring your...

1:1 apostle. This refers to Paul’s official position as a messenger sent by Christ (see note on Rom. 1:1; Introduction to 1 Corinthians: Author and Date). by the will of God. Paul’s mission was not a self-appointed one, or based on his own achievements. Rather, his credentials were by divine appointment and his letter reflected not his own message but the words of Christ (see Introduction to Romans: Author and Date; cf. Acts 26:15–18). Timothy our brother. Paul’s cherished son in the faith and a