
The MacArthur Study Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

For thirty years, John MacArthur has spent nearly thirty hours a week studying the Bible, taking detailed notes, and teaching people what he learns. The result is The MacArthur Study Bible. With The MacArthur Study Bible you will have help understanding difficult passages, simplifying complex doctrines, and bridging important culture, geography, history, and language gaps. It can help bring your...

Anointing of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Old Testament Israel had mediators who stood between God and His people. To empower the OT mediators, the Holy Spirit gave special administrative ability to carry out the management of the nation and military skills which enabled them to defeat the theocracy’s enemies. The Lord first anointed Moses with this ministry of the Spirit, and then in a truly dramatic scene, took some of this ministry of the Spirit and shared it with the 70 elders. Thus they