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For thirty years, John MacArthur has spent nearly thirty hours a week studying the Bible, taking detailed notes, and teaching people what he learns. The result is The MacArthur Study Bible. With The MacArthur Study Bible you will have help understanding difficult passages, simplifying complex doctrines, and bridging important culture, geography, history, and language gaps. It can help bring your...

Christ Fulfills Israel’s Feasts The Feasts (Lev. 23) Christ’s Fulfillment Passover (March/April) Death of Christ (1 Cor. 5:7) Unleavened Bread (March/April) Sinlessness of Christ (1 Cor. 5:8) Firstfruits (March/April) Resurrection of Christ (1 Cor. 15:23) Pentecost (May/June) Outpouring of Spirit of Christ (Acts 1:5; 2:4) Trumpets (Sept./Oct.) Israel’s Regathering by Christ (Matt. 24:31) Atonement (Sept./Oct.) Substitutionary Sacrifice by Christ (Rom. 11:26) Tabernacles (Sept./Oct.) Rest and Reunion