
Luther’s Works, Volume 27 is unavailable, but you can change that!

These lectures give eloquent evidence of Luther’s determined espousal of the doctrine of justification by faith. But although in 1531 the Reformer’s position with regard to this cardinal teaching of the Holy Writ was identical with what he had set forth in his earlier series of lectures, a sharp difference is discernible to a careful reader. The Luther of 1535 has at his command far greater...

who holds them captive at his pleasure. Therefore the eternal slavery of hell awaits them. So much for Paul’s vigorous and serious exhortation, which is surpassed by the one that follows. 2. Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. Paul is profoundly moved, and in great zeal and fervor of the Spirit he speaks sheer thunderbolts against the Law and against circumcision. In his anger over the great wickedness of it all, the Holy Spirit wrests
Volume 27, Page 9