
The Love of Loves in the Song of Songs is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Song of Songs is an often confusing and controversial book of the Bible—but rich with meaning for those who understand the unfolding story of Scripture. How does this collection of love poems fit in with the rest of God’s Word, and what does it mean for us today? Guiding readers through the Song of Songs verse by verse, this fresh, practical explanation of a fascinating yet often...

is helping us understand God’s design for human relationships. Taking all of this into account, here is how Iain Duguid describes the dynamic partnership that we read about in this book: “In the Song, the woman is not a land to be conquered by the man or a field to be planted with his seed; she is a vineyard to be cultivated by him so that together they can enjoy the sweet wine of their relationship.”7 Consider another paradox. The woman is independent enough to have desires of her own and then pursue
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