
A Little Book for New Preachers: Why and How to Study Homiletics is unavailable, but you can change that!

One of the central tasks of pastoral ministry is preaching the Word of God. Yet those who are called to ministry may feel unprepared, unable, or unwilling to step into this role. Moreover, the discipline of homiletics sometimes gets lost amid the exegetical questions, theological debates, and denominational disputes that overwhelm our attention. In this brief introduction to preaching, Matthew...

The fear of criticism in preaching can lead to several responses. First, we may choose to preserve our dignity and cling to our self-importance so we leave the pulpit in favor of other types of ministry positions. Second, we can get defensive about our preaching and dismiss others’ viewpoints. Third, we only ask for feedback from people who respond well to our sermons. Think of the doting grandmother or grandfather type in the second pew. But, fourth, we can listen to and grow from constructive comments,
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