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Logos is a powerful software package for Bible study, and this help manual will teach you what you need to know to get the most out of it. Learn shortcuts that get you deeper into the Word, and utilize time-saving features you never knew about. Find step-by-step instructions on how to use tools, guides, search and more.

but there are others mentioned in the text. • role:... — The context-specific role filled by the priest. Roles include: • Chief Priest • High Priest • Priest • regent:... • agent:... — The person annotated as a regent. • region:... — The context-specific region administered by the regent. • role:... — The context-specific role filled by the regent. Roles include: • Emperor • King • Queen • Tetrarch • judge:... • agent:... — The person annotated as a judge. • region:... — The context-specific region